Chancelor, Ivey
By Staff
The Rev. Clay Chancelor and Stacy Chancelor of Stonewall announce the engagement of their daughter, Leah Margaret, to Chad Anthony Ivey, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Roger Ivey of Enterprise.
The wedding will be held Saturday, July 21, 2001, at 2 p.m. at Russell Baptist Church.
Miss Chancelor is the granddaughter of Clovis Chancelor of Quitman and the late Ancil Chancelor and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Smith of Enterprise.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Quitman High School and is currently pursuing a degree in elementary education at Meridian Community College.
At MCC, she is a member of the Ivy League Student Recruiters, Phi Theta Kappa and Future Teachers Association.
Miss Chancelor is employed by Rush Foundation Hospital.
Mr. Ivey is the grandson of Dorothey Ivey of Quitman and the late Joe Ivey, Kenneth Baldwin of Alabama and Ana'Lou Harris of Illinois.
The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of Quitman High School. He is employed by Ivey Construction.
A reception will be held at the church's Family Life Center following the ceremony.
Family and friends are invited to attend.