County 4-Hers recognized for accomplishments
By Staff
South State Field and Stream Competition.
District Wildlife Visual, blue.
District Share-the-fun.
Conservation Record, blue.
Laura Lucky,
District Swine Show.
North State Field and Stream Competition.
State Livestock Judging Contest.
Mid-South Fair Photography, first and third place.
State Photography Contest, fourth place.
State Beef Visual Presentation, first.
State Beef Ambassador Contest, first.
Communication Track, third.
Amy Poole,
State Share-the-fun, state winner.
Centennial Celebration Talent Show.
State Home Environment Contest.
Daniel Burns,
South State Field and Stream Competition.
District Livestock Judging Contest.
State Photography Contest.
9-year-old Cloverleaf Exhibit.
Beef Record, blue.
Mariah King,
Personal Development Record, blue.
Anna Wright,
State Photography Contest, first place.
Jenni Lewis,
State Photography Contest, second, third, fifth place.
Justin Lucky,
District Swine Show.
South State Field and Stream Competition.
State Photography Contest.
Swine Record, blue.
Natalie Gross,
State Horse Art Contest.
State Horse Photography Contest.
South State Field and Stream Competition.
State Photography Contest.
8-year-old Cloverleaf Exhibit, blue.
District Share-the-fun.
Pet Record, blue.
Catherine Lucky,
State Club Congress.
Horse Record, blue.
District Horse Show.
Katie Rhaly,
State Fair Fashion Revue.
9-year-old Cloverleaf Exhibit, blue.
Alex Kimbrell,
8-year-old Cloverleaf Exhibit, blue.
Sharon White,
8-year-old Cloverleaf Exhibit, blue.
Hannah Pace,
District Clothing Construction Contest, third place.
Andrea Aviles,
State Photography Contest, fifth place.
Suzanne Scales,
Child Development Track, first.
Tyler Covington,
District Steer Show.
Mark Covington,
District Swine Show.
Amanda Thomas,
State Fair Lamb Show.
District Lamb Show.
Dixie National Lamb Show.
Jody Bass,
District Steer Show.
Cory Bass ,
District Swine Show.
Justin Milstead,
District Steer Show.
Wesley Milstead,
District Steer Show.
Kelly Brown,
District Swine Show.
Ryan Brown,
District Swine Show.
Bonnie Tartt,
District Beef Show.
John Holland,
District Dairy Show.
Ragan Creel,
District Steer Show.
Tyler Griffin,
South State Field and Stream Competition.
State Field and Stream Competition.
David Clay,
South State Field and Stream Competition.
Christopher Clay,
South State Field and Stream Competition.
Jessie Fortson,
District Horse Show.
State Horse Show.
Rachael Pritchett,
District Horse show.
State horse Show.
Marisa Demille,
District Horse Show.
Ashley Garrard,
District Horse show.
For more information on how you can be involved in the 4-H Program contact your office of the Mississippi State University Extension Service. The number in Lauderdale County is 482-9764.