Eagle Scout project ends in new wheelchair ramp
By Staff
WHEELCHAIR RAMP Merritt Barry, hammer in hand, works on the wheelchair ramp in front of the Key Chapter of the American Red Cross on 24th Avenue. Helping out are fellow Boy Scout troop member Will Ready, left, and Olin Thomas, troop chairman. The wheelchair ramp, finished last month, was Barry's Eagle Scout project. submitted photo
By Steve Gillespie / staff writer
Oct. 13, 2002
The wheelchair ramp that gets Barbara Richardson inside the Key Chapter of the American Red Cross was Merritt Barry's Eagle Scout project.
Barry, 15, is the son of Rick and Cheri Barry of Meridian. Cheri is executive director of the local Red Cross chapter.
Barry said the project was easier than he thought it would be. It took about two days to complete, with help from fellow scouts and three adults.
He is proud of the work.
Richardson had the honor of cutting the opening ribbon at a small ceremony on Friday.
Barry is a member of Boy Scout Troop 40 in Meridian, sponsored by Poplar Springs Drive United Methodist Church.
Materials for the project were donated by Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse and concrete was donated by Mississippi Materials Company.
Keith Clifford, the troop's assistant scout master, offered a special thanks to Olin Thomas, the troop's chairman, for his help with Barry's project.
Merritt attends Northwest Junior High School and has been a Scout for six years.
Learn more:
For more about Boy Scout Troop 40 in Meridian, visit www.troop40bsa.net. For more about the Boy Scout Choctaw Area Council, visit www.cacbsa.org.