4-H'ers honored for achievements
By Staff
OUTSTANDING 4-H'ERS Lauderdale County 4-H'ers were recently recognized for their outstanding 4-H work. Pictured from left are the Outstanding 4-H'ers for 2004: Elizabeth Tettleton, Ashley Watkins and Rebekah Tettleton. Submitted photo.
Special to The Star
September 25, 2004
Recently the Lauderdale County 4-H Advisory Council recognized 4-H members for their outstanding 4-H accomplishments.
The 2003-2004 4-H Awards Program was held at the East Mississippi Electric Power Association auditorium. Forty-six 4-H members received certificates of their accomplishments at District and State 4-H events.
The following 4-H'ers were recognized for completing a 4-H record. Summer Lucky, clothing; Justin Lucky, swine; Lydia Burns, conservation; Laurie Gross, pet care; Daniel Burns, beef; Natalie Gross, pet care; Hannah Smith, photography; Drew Phillips, conservation; Rebekah Tettleton, breads resume; Rachel Tettleton, clothing; Elizabeth Tettleton, horse; Ashley Watkins, food and nutrition; and Sarah Burns, conservation. They each received a 4-H insulated bag.
Lauderdale County 4-H clubs receiving blue ribbons on their club records in state competition were the CHO 4-H Club, the 4-H Photography Club, the 4-H Personal Development Club, and the 4-H Pet Club. They were selected as Banner Clubs and will receive a monetary award and a banner sponsored by BellSouth.
Summer Lucky and Rebekah Tettleton each received a 4-H pen-and-pencil set presented by 4-H Youth Agent Beth Randall. Summer won first place in the state with her 4-H clothing record and Tettleton placed first with her breads resume. Both will attend the National 4-H Congress event in Atlanta in November.
Kay Pool, 4-H Advisory Council member, recognized Summer as a recent member into the 4-H Honor Club. The 4-H Honor Club recognizes 4-H'ers who have been outstanding in 4-H project work, leadership and citizenship, and service to other 4-H members, leaders, and 4-H youth agents.
Catherine Lucky a seven-year 4-H member who participates in the 4-H Horse Program, 4-H Junior Council and many other 4-H Clubs was presented with the Zed Hawkins Scholarship.
This scholarship is given in honor of Zed Hawkins, who was manager of the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. for many years.
4-H Advisory Council member Rubye Skelton recognized all the 4-H volunteers for their dedication and service to the Lauderdale County 4-H Program. Pam Burns was presented with a 4-H clover pendant in recognition of completing a 4-H volunteer leader record.
County Director Patty Swearingen presented a citizenship pin to Summer Lucky for her participation in the Citizenship Washington Focus Program in June.
The 4-H Personal Development Club was presented the 2004 Community service Award for its "Operation Desert Smile" project. The club received a plaque presented by 4-H Advisory Council member Edna Manley.
4-H Advisory Council member Eloise Jenkins presented plaques to this year's Outstanding 4-H'ers. The junior winners were Elizabeth Tettleton and Ashley Watkins and the senior winner was Rebekah Tettleton.
Tracey Garrett, 4-H Advisory Council member, announced the Outstanding Clubs for this year. Receiving $100 was the 4-H Photography Club; receiving $75 were the CHO 4-H Club and the 4-H Personal Development Club; receiving $50 was the 4-H Pet Club; and receiving $25 were the 4-H Sewing Club and the Cloverleaf 4-H Club.
For more information on how you can be involved in 4-H, call 482-9764.