September 26, 2004
By Staff
Supervisors should play nice
I am quite concerned with how business is conducted within the Board of Supervisors for Lauderdale County. It seems like with every news report comes another incident of name-calling and character bashing.
Most recently, was the "tiff" between Joe Norwood and Ray Boswell after the voting on the budget. I understand if the board members become agitated with their meeting being slowed down, but the incident was unnecessary and embarrassing to watch. Yet, these incidents are becoming all to frequently.
Mr. Boswell was well within his rights to make suggestions he wanted to. Democracy … that's the way it works. If board members have any other problems with each other, it needs to be taken up away from the cameras. It does no good for anyone being represented by this board to witness these games.
Board members are elected and no one appreciates seeing their elected official abused in such a manner or abusing others. As I understand, it is the democratic way to debate different opinions, to vote on the topic, and the result is usually in the best interest of everyone. The bickering and criticism between board members should happen in private, if at all, if there are issues the members are feeling strongly about.
Instead, we all must suffer through it on the 6 o'clock news, as if it is one of the hot new reality shows, where we all can't wait for what nasty things our leaders have to say about each other. I would like to tell the board members something, just as I would tell my fifth grade students, you don't get to choose the people you have class with, but you still have to play nice!
Shanna McDonald
Moral principles
Man is a spiritual being, formed in God's image, and must act as such. Christians particularly, and others of goodwill, are concerned that moral principles underlie their voting decisions.
Catholic Answers has published a booklet, "Voters Guide for Serious Catholics." It provides a way by which Christians can apply their moral principles in the voting booth.
This guide lists five non-negotiable issues:
1. Abortion
2. Euthanasia
3. Fetal stem cell research (as opposed to adult stem cell research, which may benefit life without harming other life.)
4. Cloning
5) Homosexual "marriage"
The Catholic Christian should strike from consideration any candidate who is in favor of any one of these, then choose among the remaining candidates.
It is encouraging how many take their faith seriously and do not hesitate to apply its principles to civic life.
May our Lord guide each of us as we fulfill our duties and be good stewards of privileges. We are accountable to Him for our decisions and actions.
Susan Seale
Outpouring of love
Thank you for the overwhelming outpouring of love and concern during these trying times. Dee Van Devender is a giant among men. While his health is failing, his spirits are high because he and I are experiencing such awesome and undeniable blessings from God.
So many have expressed a desire to tangibly show their love for him that a vehicle in which to accomplish this has been established. An account has been opened at Trustmark National Bank in his honor to help cancer victims who have needs not covered by insurance.
Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center's Social Services Department will evaluate needs and make recommendations for disbursing funds. Dee has been so very generous throughout his lifetime and this will provide many opportunities for him to feel he is still making a difference in peoples' lives.
No one has ever loved people or life more. He is not giving up by any means and we continue to covet your prayers for today and days to come. It is our greatest desire to glorify Christ during these most difficult of days.
Thank you to Mark and Carol Webb and the Midway Baptist Church Couples Sunday School class and congregation, the 4 East nurses at Jeff Anderson, our countless precious friends, terrific doctors, the area pastors and congregations that have ministered so graciously to us and especially the greatest family support groups any couple has ever been blessed with.
I personally consider it the greatest privilege of my life to be Dee's soul mate and caregiver in these most precious of days.
Tanya Van Devender