09-22-04 Red Bay council reviews last four years
By Staff
By: Jonathan Willis, FCT Staff Writer
The Red Bay City Council closed its regular meeting Monday night by looking back at what had been accomplished in the city during the last eight years.At the next council meeting on Oct. 4, five new board members will take office, marking the first change in city government since all of the out-going members were elected in 1996.
"You and I will never live to see the time that someone matches the progress that has been made by this council," Mayor Tommy Nelson told the council members.
Nelson did not face opposition during the August municipal elections and will be the lone hold-over from the previous administration.
Nelson told the council that they had been responsible for some of the most significant progress the city has ever made.
"That's a great consolation to take with you," he said.
All of the council members said they had enjoyed their
service to the people of Red Bay.
"I want to thank the citizens of Red Bay for letting me serve for the past 12 years," said Johnny Cleveland, who was first elected in 1992.
"There is nowhere else I had rather live than Red Bay, Ala.," said Eucellis Underwood. "There is no place like it."
In business taken at the meeting:
The next meeting of the city council will be on Monday, Oct. 4.