Fishing is fun for everyone
By Staff
Mike Giles / outdoors writer
October 1, 2004
Life is full of wonderful surprises if you keep your eyes open and take the time to smell the roses! Some people do it when they are young and some discover things when they are older. Rod and Ginger Ezelle recently took a trip to Texas to visit with Rods brother Jerry and wife Ann.
The Ezelles have a lake house on Bob Sandlin Reservoir. The lake is a 9,000 acre impoundment that is surrounded by lake houses and docks that are homes to all sorts of fish.
Ms. Ginger had never done much fishing, and boy was she in for a surprise. While at the lake Rod and Ginger had the opportunity to do a little old fashioned country fishing.
Fish catcher
Yes, they used some real potent "high tech" fishing tackle It was high tech back in the good ole days anyway. However, that cane pole and bobber combination that they used continues to be the most productive and efficient fish catcher of all time. And what's more, it's fun and relatively easy to get the hang of.
Nothing beats a cane pole, bobber and baited hook when it comes to catching panfish and catfish. With an opportunity to get in a little fishing time, Ms. Ginger didn't know what she was in for. With ample opportunity to fish, she made the best of it. In the process she discovered a passion that is known to anglers all over the world.
Young and old, male and female, it doesn't matter. If given the chance to catch a few fish, most people will be hooked. Although I have seen a few people who didn't like to fish, I've never seen a person that didn't like to catch a fish.
Catching fish is fun for everyone. Red, yellow, black and white, the fish don't care what color you are. They are only interested in one color, and that's the color of your bait or lure. In Ms. Ginger's case, the color was earthworm red. I don't think it can get any better than that if you are a catfish.
Me, too
Not to be totally outdone by his wife's newfound fishing passion, Rod even got in on the action himself. In fact, he enjoyed catching a fish or two. Come to think of it, however, he was even prouder of the fish Ms. Ginger caught.
When it came time to quit, Ms. Ginger didn't know when to say when. " If they hadn't run out of bait, I'd still be fishing," exclaimed the lady angler. Imagine going to Texas and discovering a new found passion for fishing.
But you don't have to go to Texas to enjoy a nice time on the water. If you don't think fishing is any fun, then just ask Ms. Ginger or Mr. Rod. They'll tell you that it's really fun to catch fish, anytime, anywhere and anyhow.