October 12, 2004
By Staff
National security is important issue
Here we are on the eve of a national election and the U.S. House and Senate cannot even come to an agreement about legislation needed to fight terrorism on the homefront.
In Iraq a computer disc was found with the floor plans of schools in America; in Russia a terrible attack upon a school killed many men, women and children; in Egypt a truck loaded with explosives was driven into a resort hotel killing vacationing tourist; terrorists continue to kidnap and behead civilians … and on the homefront our U.S. House and Senate
representatives cannot even agree on legislation to secure our boarders, deal effectively with illegal immigrants and make and keep our country safe.
We have thousands of brave and courageous soldiers stationed in Iraq and at other hot spots around the world, doing their duty to keep America free. Yet we quibble over relatively trivial points when it comes to legislation to strengthen America's homeland security.
Come election day we need to send a clear message to these bickering idiots in Washington that America's security is a vital issue not to be toyed with until another 9/11 comes along. What would we do
then, say if the Capitol is targeted with a dirty nuke destroying our representative form of government?
That, I believe, is on the agenda of terrorist around the world. We are viewed as their enemy and they want to cut off all our heads, to destroy any and everything that is touched by the American flag and the Liberty Bell. Terrorists have the means to attack our schools, universities, government buildings, sports arenas or other places like hotels and airports where people gather in large numbers.
I urge that everyone who is interested in homeland security and the safety and welfare of our troops abroad to review this issue. Information on the Senate bill, S. 2845, and the House bill, H.R. 10, is available at http://thomas.loc.gov. Then write your representatives and urge them to pass strong legislation with respect to the establishment of a national intelligence director and a national counterterrorism center.
We need stop dilly dallying around with these terrorists who exploit our every weakness and see us as fools.
Terry Lynch – Quitman
Thanks all around
I want to thank everyone for making possible the 2nd annual "Strutt Your Mutt" event for the Heart Association. I have two mutts that also want to thank the people who kept the water bowls full of ice water along the walk. How thoughtful.
Thanks to everyone who donated goods for gift baskets for winners of certain events, like best pet trick, for which my mutt Missy won first place. Thanks also to the judges and for the blessing Father Elvin Sunds bestowed on our pets. The event t-shirts were only $6 what good deal.
I would like to make a suggestion for next year's event. Maybe we could do the different events on a grassy part so the big rocks wont hurt legs and
feet of the pets.
I would also like to take this time to say thanks to my vet, Buddy Shannon. He has been a blessing to me and the Lauderdale County Humane Society. I'm sure he could make bigger bucks but some things aren't about money. Thanks, Doc.
Pat Smith – Meridian