Boy, If You Don't Answer This Deal, Just Give it All Up-You're Dead!
By Staff
50 Years Ago
Get this!
In the far-distant future, a baby is issued a telephone number at birth.
Shortly afterwards, he and all others acquire a wrist gadget complete with numbered buttons.
At any time in his life, he merely punches a number of a friend on the wrist gadget, turns it over and talks to him. On the gadget's screen, he sees the person he is talking to in color and in 3-D!
If he doesn't answer, he is dead.
Admittedly far-fetched, J.B. King, local manager of Southern Bell Telephone Co., Sheffield, told Russellville Civitan Club members Tuesday, but it gives you an idea of how our scientists are thinking in terms of progress.
Water Situation is Still Critical
Russellville's water situation was still critical this week. Dr. J.Y. Blake, Waterworks and Sewer Board chairman, reported.
He asked the public to continue conservation practices at home.
Alabama Expects Decline of 27% From Last Year
Franklin County's 1954 cotton crop probably will total around 8,000 bales, it was estimated this week following a survey of cotton ginning reports here.
If so, this will mean the county's total crop for the year will fall about 4,000 bales short of last year's total of slightly more than 12,000 bales.
Countian Dies in 'Copter Crash at Louisiana Base
Funeral services for Maj. Larkin L. Jackson–former Franklin Countian killed October 6 in a helicopter crash near Alexandria, Louisiana– were conducted from Russellville Church of Christ Monday at 2 p.m.
Maj. Jackson was five minutes away from Alexandria Air Force Base when last heard from, according to reports received here. Services were conducted by John Sanders, Boston, Mass., assisted by Hershel Patton.
Maj. Jackson had been in service since World War II and was attached to the Pentagon at the time of his death.