50 Years Ago –
By Staff
Mike Self
Long-Range Needs for Schools Given
It will take approximately $1,620,000 to bring Franklin County's public schools up to date by 1960.
This figure was included in a report to the education sub-committee of the U.S. House of Respresentatives recently which estimated that about $345,000,000 will be required for all Alabama according to W.J. Terry, state education superintendent.
Meanwhile, in Alabama, it was revealed in the new Public Relations in Alabama bulletin approved by the state Board of Education that final estimates in the Federal School Facilities Survey, Phrase II, have been sent to Washington.
Water Crisis Easing-For Now, Anyway
Russellville is just about over its water crisis-that is, for the time being.
Dr. J.Y. Blake, chairman of the Waterworks and Sewer Board, said Tuesday the city reservoir lacks only 18 inches being full and that all restrictions will be relaxed within the next few days.
He added that washing of cars is now being permitted on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
J.D. Hale Hurt as Train Strikes Pickup Truck
J.D. Hale, owner of Hale's Grocery in Russellville, is in Franklin County Hospital suffering a broken shoulder and minor cuts and bruises incurred in an accident Wednesday, October 13, at about 3:45 p.m., when a pickup truck he was driving was hit by a train just off Hwy. 45, north of Russellville, on Cedar Lane Road.
Mr. Hale had just left his home in Russellville going to his father's home on Cedar Lane Road. Mr. Hale stated that he did not see the train until he was on the track and did not hear any warning.
Report Says County Sales Improved During July
Franklin County retail sales picked up during one of the summers' hottest months, July, to show a 1.2 percent improvement over the previous 30 days. Sales for July, 1954, were behind those of 1953, however, by 3.5 percent.
County Gets Recruiting Office After Two Years
M-Sgt. Ben M. Phillips has been assigned as U.S. Army recruiting officer in Franklin County to re-establish the recruiting service in Russellville after two years of operation through Florence.