Our View –
By Staff
After many months of hard work, campaigning and debating, Election Day 2004 is almost upon us.
Next Tuesday, November 2, millions of Americans will exercise their legal right and fulfill their civic duty by going to the polls and casting their vote in this year's political elections.
We sometimes take for granted in this country the freedom of choice we enjoy and the privileges that accompany it. One of those privileges is the right to elect our leaders and governmental officials through a civilized and democratic process.
In many countries, the process of choosing political leaders results in violence, bloodshed, and even death. We are blessed to live in the United States of America, where we are given the opportunity to vote however we wish without fear of persecution.
Too often, however, we fail to take advantage of that opportunity, an opportunity that many people in this world can only dream about.
The candidates and their respective campaign workers have spent a lot of time, effort and money to present to voters their ideas, positions and platforms. Now it's our turn as registered voters to do our part.
We have the responsibility as citizens of this city, this state and this country to voice our opinion by casting our votes. As the old saying goes, "If you don't vote, you can't complain!"
So regardless of which side of the political fence you sit on, we encourage you to exercise your legal right and fulfill your civic obligation by going to the polls on Tuesday and casting your vote for the candidates of your choice.
See you at the polls!
Duty calls as Election Day approaches