By Staff
Nov. 6 All former students and teachers at Clarkdale School are invited to the annual school reunion at ClarkCo State Park, Shelter No. 2. Please notify any former classmates you know who live out-of-town. Lunch will be served at noon. Come early and bring a covered dish and old pictures to share. For information, call Sherry Galyean at 483-5461 or R.J. and Faye Rutledge at 693-4675.
April 28-May 1, 2005 The USS Tarawa Veterans Association is looking for shipmates and announcing its 16th annual reunion to be held in Harrisburg, Pa. For information contact, Frank Grosey at 976 Holly St., Bull Head City, AZ 86442, (928) 763-8242, e-mail:; or contact, Walter Tothero, 1009 Lane Ave., Crawfordsville, IN 47933, (765) 362-6937, e-mail:
Upcoming Meridian High School Class of 1995 is preparing for its 10-year reunion. Please e-mail your contact information to
Upcoming The West Kemper High School Class of 1989 is looking for classmates for an upcoming reunion. Call Cassandra Donald Oliver at (601) 743-4094 or Rodney Wooten at (601) 486-4763.
Upcoming The N.H. Pilate High School Alumni Committee is searching for former classmates who attended N.H. Pilate Vocational or Newton Vocational High School between 1938 and 1970. A reunion is set for 2005. Regular meetings are held the last Friday of each month. For information, write N.H. Pilate High School Alumni Committee, P.O. Box 467, Newton, MS 39345.
Upcoming The Boose family reunion will be in Saginaw, Mich., this year. Family members in the Hickory community meet on the first Sunday of each month for planning. For information, send e-mail to
Upcoming Union Class of 1994 is planning a reunion. Contact Mandy White at (336) 996-8965 or (336) 665-7622. You can also send e-mail to or
Upcoming Longdale School Reunion Committee of Neshoba County is searching for people who were principals, teachers or students at the school from 1949-1963. Send name and address to Longdale Reunion Committee, P.O. Box 742, Philadelphia, MS 39350. You also can call (601) 656-1007, (601) 656-2258 or (601) 362-8010.