50 Years Ago
By Staff
County Demos Sweep to Win in Vote Here
Democrats swept through to victory in Franklin County Tuesday despite one of the strongest Republican efforts to attain political office in years.
A vote of about 6,000, considered above average for a general election here by veteran political observers, kept pace with the nation, which returned the Democrats to power in Congress.
James E. Folsom was re-elected governor and Franklin County sent the first commissioner of agriculture and industries into office from North Alabama since early in the century.
He is Sen. A.W. Todd, who campaigned strongly for a plan to bring more industry to Alabama. Sen. Todd defeated another Franklin Countian, O.H. Aycock. The job of commissioner of industries and agriculture is one of the state's most important posts.
Isbell Woman Named Franklin's Best HD Leader in '54
Mrs. Wallace Pace of the Isbell Club has been selected as the outstanding Home Demonstration member in Franklin County for 1954.
The announcement of her selection was made at the Annual Achievement Day of the Franklin County group October 29. Mrs. Pace was introduced by the 1953 Woman of the Year, Mrs. Roy Hester of Waco.
In recognition of her outstanding services the clubs presented Mrs. Pace a silver tray.
Grading Underway on New Moulton, Leighton Road
Grading is now underway on a stretch of the new highway to run between the Leighton and Moulton Roads, says Maxie Smith, Highway Department official, Russellville. Completion of this portion of the highway, which will cut across the two roads, will take about one year.
Grading on the 4.85 mile section was begun one week after partial clearing work was started. Both ends of the area will remain closed, Mr. Smith says, to keep traffic off the stretch until it is completed.
After the Leighton-Moulton Road work is finished, the department will begin work south of the Moulton Road and at a rock cut near Franklin Lumber Co.