Our View – Elections are over, candidates…time to take the signs down
By Staff
Notice to those candidates, both winners and losers, that ran for office in the Nov. 2 general election: The election is now over.
That's our subtle way of letting the candidates know that now is the time to take down their campaign signs.
While we realize, reluctantly, the necessity of plastering the county with campaign signs, we also want to point out that along with putting up signs comes the responsibility of taking them down.
The signs clutter up the landscape and in some cases create distractions for drivers along our county roads.
Some candidates, we are aware, have worked hard to take their signs down over the past week, but others obviously have not.
We're more understanding about smaller signs still being up, since so many are placed in so many different parts of the county, but the bigger, broadside signs should be gone by now.
Candidates in elections often enlist many volunteers to place signs in various locations. Now is the time to maybe mobilize that same force to help take the signs down.
Whether they won or lost the race, candidates have the responsibility to clean up their own clutter. Those signs are the candidates' property, and to leave them around the county as litter shows a lack of respect and responsibility.
Office-seekers usually lay out worthy goals they have to make the county a better place if they win.
Now is the time to show those motives in action and make the county a better place by cleaning up the campaign-sign mess.
The county would certainly appreciate it, as would we.