ECCC's annual Fine Arts
Festival set for Thursday
By Staff
special to The Star
November 13, 2004
The vocal and artistic talents of East Central Community College students will be presented Thursday at 7 p.m. when the annual Fall Fine Arts Festival is held in the Vickers Fine Arts Center on the Decatur campus.
Activities get under way as Director Chris Jenkins and a 50-voice concert choir present "And the Night Shall Be Filled With Music" which features musical selections by Palestrina, Bach and Handel; spirituals and folk songs; and music of 20th century composers and arrangers.
A reception following the concert will feature artwork by students of ECCC instructor Bruce Guraedy.
The exhibit will include about 100 new works in painting, drawing and design. Guraedy said most of the paintings are done in oil, but the display also includes works in charcoal and pencil.
Various ceramic pieces are also included in the exhibit, some of which were done by the Raku process of glazing.
Guraedy, who also serves as chairman of the Fine Arts Division, said this year's artwork is of "remarkable quality," and he encourages the public to attend.
Admission is free.
For more information, call the ECCC Fine Arts Department at 635-2111, or call toll-free (877) 462-3222, ext. 229.
What: East Central Community College's Fall Fine Arts Festival
When: Thursday, 7 p.m.
Where: Vickers Fine Arts Center, Decatur campus
Admission: Free
Information: Call the ECCC Fine Arts Department, 635-2111