FCDT raising equipment money
By Staff
Melissa Cason
Franklin County Times
The members of the Franklin County Dive Team are busy raising money to keep their equipment maintained and to keep their diving certifications up to date.
In order to raise money, the team recently raffled off a $250 Wal-Mart gift card won by April Risner.
"We sold 400 tickets at $2 each," said Shackelford, FCDT team commander. "We made $800 less the cost of the card. Wal-Mart is helping us out by supplying a matching grant for the fundraiser."
With the matching money, the fundraiser brought in nearly $1,500, which will be used to fund the maintenance for the equipment.
"Each team member buys their own equipment because it makes them more accountable," Shackelford said. "Our goals is to keep the maintenance kept up on it so they won't have to pay it out of pocket as well."
The cost of tank service can cost as much as $2,500 every two years.
There are 13 divers on the team, which was established in 1998. Last year, the election of new officers breathed new life into the team with officers who are working to bring in new equipment and get divers better trained.
"I became president in 2007," Shackleford said. "Neil Willis is our vice-president and Robby Richardson is the secretary. Once we took office, we went to work on getting us new equipment."
In addition to the 16 tanks that need service, the dive team has two boats – one is fully equipped and the other will be ready by spring 2009.
"We are working toward different things like finishing our boat and having our oxygen in-house," Shackleford said. "But, it will take time."