Dream Center approves state inmate program
By Staff
Melissa Cason
The Russellville Dream Center has been approved as a treatment program for inmates with the Alabama Department of Corrections.
Center Director Shawn Reathford said the center already has two inmates from the Department of Corrections, and they hope to have more in the future.
Reathford said the inmates that have come into the program are non-violent offenders who are serving the last six months of their prison sentence.
"We will take as many [inmates] as we can hold because everyone deserves a second chance," Reatherford said. "We are full right now."
Reatherford said the center gives former inmates the opportunity to serve the community while reintegrating back into society.
"While they are here, parole and probation officers come here to check on them," Reatherford said. "They are have follow the rules and do the program."
Reatherford said the disciples at the center must adhere to numerous rules and are under strict supervision. The center is currently renovating a building on Highway 24 in order to offer the program to more people.
"We are going to use this building [on Coffee Ave.] for the first 30 days of the program, and the building on Highway 24 will be after the first 30 days," Reatherford said.
The new facility will house about 70 disciples, and the current building holds 50 people.
Reatherford said he is tired of the ridicule he and the center have gotten since opening last year.
"The Bible said we will be ridiculed for his name," Reatherford said. "We continue to hear the rumors around town about how bad we are but yet we continue to get 20 to 30 calls per day. We are offering something that is needed here."
Reatherford said the program they are offering will not work for everyone.
"There will be people who come into this program and leave this program without getting help," he said. "It will not cure everyone. You have to be ready."
For more information on the Russellville Dream Center, call 332-4732.