2008 was quite a year
By Staff
Scot Beard
2008 was quite a year and depending on your outlook on life, it was either one of the greatest years ever or one of the worst.
For those of you with a pessimistic outlook, things started off bad and got worse.
In early February an outbreak of tornados left 58 people dead, which was the deadliest set of storms in 23 years.
In late August and early September Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike batter the United States and several island nations leaving a combined death toll of 735 in five countries.
On September 15 Lehman Brothers tipped Americans off to the impending economic collapse when the financial institution filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
A few weeks later, President Bush signs the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act – a controversial attempt to slow the economy's collapse – which earmarked $700 billion to help financial institutions.
And the year closes out with Israel bombing the Gaza Strip in the latest flare up of Middle Eastern turmoil.
Yes, there was plenty for pessimists in 2008.
On the other hand, there was quite a bit for those with optimistic natures as well.
After the national average price for a gallon of gasoline topped out at more than $4, the price has dropped to an impressive $1.60 per gallon.
In other words, you can fill up your tank for $15 now when only six months ago it would have cost you nearly $50.
It was a good year for strong anti-communists as Fidel Castro resigned as President of Cuba. Raul, his brother who is apparently less of a hard-line communist, takes office to replace him.
In April, surgeons at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital implant the world's first bionic eyes into a pair of blind patients.
Water, in the form of ice, was discovered on Mars – which could lead to future colonization of the planet.
For those who have wanted to see social change, 2008 was your year as Americans elected Barack Obama as the nation's first black president and Joe Biden as the nation's first Roman Catholic vice president.
Yes, 2008 has been an eventful year and 2009 will have its work cut out for it if it hopes to compete historically.