Superintendent applicants announced
By Staff
Jonathan Willis
The city school board narrowed its search for the next superintendent down to two Friday morning.
The board received four applications to fill the slot made open by Dr. Wayne Ray's retirement. Two candidates have been asked to interview for the position, which board members hope to fill quickly.
Current Russellville City Schools Administrative Assistant Don Cox will be interviewed as well as Dr. James Stevens, a principal and superintendent from Preston, Ga.
Cox has been in the Russellville system since assuming the role of head football coach and assistant principal of the high school in 1980. He was principal at the high school from 1995 to 2000 and administrative assistant in the central office since 2000.
"For the past 28 years, I have observed firsthand the pride this community feels for its schools and for the success associated with the school system," Cox said. "The rich tradition, combined with high expectations, makes Russellville city schools the envy of many other systems."
Cox has worked closely with Ray in the central office for the past eight years.
"My desire is to be the leader who helps continue the traditional goals and helps to direct additional ones in the future of Russellville City Schools," he said.
"Russellville has become my home during my years of service. I love the community and am proud that my wife teaches here and that my sons were educated here."
Stevens is currently principal and superintendent of Webster County Schools in Preston, Ga. He is the only person currently to hold both titles at the same time in Georgia.
"I have 29 years of successful experience in public education as superintendent, assistant superintendent, elementary, middle and high school principal, pre-K director and teacher at elementary, middle and high school levels," Stevens said in a letter to the city board.
School board members have not set a timetable on hiring the new superintendent, but will schedule interviews with both men in the coming weeks.