County 4-H to celebrate centennial
By Staff
Melissa Cason
The Franklin County Extension Office is gearing up to celebrate the centennial of Alabama's 4-H program.
A banquet held on March 12 at the A.W. Todd Centre to celebrate the formation of Alabama 4-H, extension agent Katernia Cole said.
"The father of Alabama 4-H is from Franklin County," Cole said. "We want to recognize Franklin County for being the home of the organization's founder, and celebrate former 4-Hers and former 4-H agents."
Alabama 4-H was founded by Dr. Luther Noble Duncan from Franklin County. Duncan is a former president of Alabama Polytechnic University, now Auburn University. The Alabama Extension Service headquarters is housed in Duncan Hall, located on Duncan Drive at Auburn. Both the street and the building were named for the Franklin County native.
The banquet celebrating the 4-H heritage in Franklin County will begin at 6:30 p.m. Former 4-H student Jason Collums will serve as the emcee for the evening.
Several former 4-Hers from Franklin County will tell how 4-H impacted their lives. These former 4-H students include Joe Beasley, Charlie Britnell, Orland Britnell, Jeff Palmer and many others.
Cole said there will be several businesses and individuals honored who support 4-H in Franklin County.
"We will also honor our 4-H volunteers and schools in the county," Cole said.
The schools in Franklin County who participate in the program are East Franklin, Phil Campbell High School, Phil Campbell Elementary, Tharptown High School, Tharptown Elementary, Belgreen School, Red Bay School, and Russellville Middle School.
Cole said anyone wishing to attend the event must reserve a place by calling 332-8880.