Owen seeks Place 4 seat on PC Council
My name is Kent Owen and I would like to announce that I am seeking the position of Phil Campbell City Council Place Four to help add on to the improvements that have already been made to our town.
I am 53 years old and have lived in Phil Campbell for 35 years. My wife is Charlotte Hill Owen and we have been married for 30 years. We have four children: Christi Owen Nix, husband Benton; Ashley Owen Miller, husband Matt; Ramsey Owen and Brittany Owen and two grandchildren, Titus Owen Nix, 15 months; Noah Christian Miller, 14 months.
I am the son of the late Jack and Betty Owen of Phil Campbell. I have been licensed as an insurance salesman for 26 years. The reason I seek this office is because since the April 27, 2011, tornado there has been a renewed interest in moving Phil Campbell forward. New zoning laws are planned and various suggestions have been put forward of planning the “New Phil Campbell.”
Some have been good. However, some suggestions include condemning and bulldozing people’s private property with or without their consent. I want to make sure we can move forward in a way that benefits everyone without hurting one single person.
I want to move Phil Campbell forward commercially by careful design with keeping the small town atmosphere we want here in Phil Campbell, but at the same time being able to attract enough business here so that it will always be profitable for our bank, doctor’s office, pharmacy, etc.
I want our kids and grandkids to be able to get a decent job here. I will be for the citizens of Phil Campbell. If it comes down to City Hall versus the citizens, I am totally for individual rights for each person to be able to do with what they want to do with on their own property (within reason).
I do not believe you should have to get permission from the town to build a utility building or shop, remodel, cut a tree down, etc. You paid for it.
I would appreciate everyone’s support and vote on Aug. 28, 2012.