Garden Club holding plant sale
RED BAY – The Red Bay Garden Club will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday, April 19, beginning at 8 a.m. – until. This year the plant sale will take place at the Red Bay High School Greenhouse.
Some of the plants available are: tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumber, geraniums, a variety of flowering bulbs, trees, perennials, annuals, ground cover, herbs, and much, much more for sale at very economical prices. Many of these plants have been gathered in this area and are known to do very well.
The agricultural class at Red Bay High School and the students enrolled in the Franklin County Career Technical Center cabinet making classes will be donating a beautiful crafted outdoor bench and a potting bench to be raffled off. Delicious homemade baked goods will also be for sale.
All proceeds from this sale go to beautify our community of Red Bay.