Founders Fest plans underway
By Katie Crum
For the FCT
RED BAY – Red Bay’s Founders Fest is scheduled for Saturday, September 20, 2014 beginning at 8:30 a.m. with the annual Pageant Queen train ride.
The event promises fun for all ages with assorted contests, entertainment, and lots of giveaways.
This year a few of the contests include the 5th annual fried pie contest, a buck dancing contest, a fiddling contest, a quilting contest, a coloring contest for children, a photography contest, a car, truck, tractor and motorcycle show, and a barbecue cook-off.
A variety of foods will also be offered, including the Franklin County Cattlemen’s ribeye sandwiches at the Senior Center.
There will also be a new attraction this year – a fashion show will take place in Heritage Park. Anyone interested in participating can contact Shelia at 662-279-4920 or Myra at 256-460-7636.
Other events taking place during Founders Fest include a 5k Run and a children’s bike ride, a special guest appearance by Dolores Hydock at the Weatherford Library, and special music by Strumming Friends at the Red Bay Museum.
Throughout the day, various musicians will perform live on stage. Anyone interested in performing may contact Billy Boyd at 256-324-0419.
Those wishing to rent booths for food vendors, non-profits, and other businesses can find application forms on the city of Red Bay website.
Festival T-shirts will also be available and will feature this year’s Alabama Tourism theme, “The Year of Alabama Parks.”
All persons planning to attend Founders Fest should bring lawn chairs; however, some seating will be available around the stage for those who need it.
For more information about the location and details of these contests go to or call 256-356-4473 and speak to Tracie Bolding.