RFD distributes toys to children
For the seventh year the Russellville Fire Department has put on a county toy drive for families struggling to provide toys for their kids for Christmas. Russellville Fire Department heads up the drive, but the Park and Recreation Center, the Street Department, City Hall, the City Council, Russellville Police Department and the mayor all pitch in.
“It’s unbelievable at who all helps us out. The city departments, all the businesses that allow us to put out toy donation boxes, the churches, several community organizations and civic groups, and last but not least some of our young people came down to help with it also,” said Russellville Fire Captain Randy Seal.
The Department takes donations of toys and cash to buy the toys. This year $4,000 was given to the Russellville Fire Department to Christmas shop for the kids. Each family signs up to receive the toys at the Russellville Fire Department. The toys are then sorted out according to where they live. The toys are given to city residents first and then to those living in the county. And if the donations last, the toys are extended to families outside of the county and to those who were late turning in their registration information.
This year, the department gave 300 families toys for their kids.
“It’s funny how it works out every year,” Seal said. “We always have enough even when I think we are going to be short.
“My favorite part of the drive is seeing the people that come in tear up in appreciation for what they have received for their kids.”