Council rehires two BOE members
At the May 21 Russellville City Council meeting, the council unanimously voted to rehire Russellville City Schools Board of Education members Greg Batchelor and Jerry Groce, since both of their terms expired this month.
Batchelor is also on the CB&S Bank Board of Directors. Groce also serves on the Executive Committee for Northwest Council of Local Governments, Advisory Board for Bank Independent, Trustee Board for the University of West Alabama and as a member of the Council of Business Advisory Board for University of North Alabama.
Other actions taken at the meeting included:
- Accepting the resolution for Mayor David Grissom to enter into an agreement with ALDOT for Project NO. TAPAA-TA15(915), Supplemental Number 2. This agreement is an approval from ALDOT for the additional funds needed for the sidewalk project on Lawrence and Franklin Streets.
- Authorizing the submission of the 2018 grant application for FAA funding.
- Authorizing the contract with Garver for professional services of the Airport Layout Plan Update.
- Authorizing the request for FAA approval of the agreement for Transfer of Entitlements.
- Approving the resolution to accept the bid received from Long Lewis Ford for the Ford half ton full size pickup in the Russellville Police Department. The total cost is a little over $33,000, with $15,000 covered from an ADECA grant. The rest will come from the local gas tax fund.
- Approving the authorization to purchase a 2018 Ford Explorer in the Russellville Police Department for $26,749.50 with funds from the local gas tax fund.
- Accepting the letter of resignation of patrol officer Taylor Weclowski in the RPD.
- Declaring a vacancy for patrol officer in the RPD and authorizing advertisement to solicit job applications for the position.
- Authorizing extending the Operator III for the Russellville Street Department application deadline to June 30, 2018.
- Authorizing extending the Parks and Recreation superintendent application deadline to June 30, 2018.