Appreciate animals around us along the way

Over the course of this summer, I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy seeing animals and insects while I’m out and about. In one case, while covering a story for our magazine, Franklin Living, I got to pet a horse. The other notable sightings were of the “happy accident” variety.

One day, I had pulled partway up my drive and happened to notice a brown butterfly with a lovely pattern I didn’t remember seeing before. It landed on the hood of my car, and I carefully took a photo with my phone and stayed there just watching for a few minutes until it flew away.

On another occasion, I had just gotten in my car to go home, and I looked up and saw a little dog had made himself at home, resting on the grass in front of where I was parked. He or she looked quite content, and I enjoyed a few moments observing.

On a different day, I noticed a luna moth on the ground. I rarely see them, so that was a special treat. Another time, a red-headed woodpecker visited the tree and general area outside my office, and I enjoyed watching what happened during the visit.

On another day, our visitor was a rabbit, who returned on at least one other occasion. He or she watched me a bit suspiciously, and I tried not to get too close or make much noise or move around too much so as to avoid causing the little critter to be spooked and run off.

I love these moments that happen along the way. As we hurry about, rushing from one thing to the next, stressing over whatever is going on in our lives, let’s try to remember to slow down a little and notice the wonderful things that come into our lives, even if only for a few moments. Our lives will surely be richer for it if we do.


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