Annual sock drive seeks donations for nursing home
The Franklin County Women’s Leadership Committee, a division of Alabama Farmers Federation is seeking donations, to be made by Dec. 1, for its annual Cottons for Christmas sock drive.
Requested donations are for new socks that will be distributed to residents in one of the county’s nursing homes.
Each year, the committee picks a different nursing home in the county, with the goal of providing a gift of socks and lotion for all residents in that facility.
There will be a donation collection box at the annual Farm-City banquet Nov. 13.
Additional boxes will be placed at:
- The Franklin County Courthouse/Extension Office – just leave donations with one of the courthouse security guards
- The ALFA Insurance Office in Russellville
- The ALFA Insurance Office in Red Bay
For questions, contact Carol Glass at 256-810-5446 or Shannon Murray at 256-668-3893.