Red Bay named 25th safest community in state

by Shanna Ozbirn for the FCT


Red Bay Mayor David Tiffin made the announcement at the council meeting on Feb. 17. that the city was notified by letter from Safe-Wise stating that Red Bay had been chosen as one of the Safe Communities in the state of Alabama and the only community in Franklin County.  Mayor Tiffin commended the council, citizens and most importantly the Red Bay Police Dept. on this honor.

Red Bay Police Chief Janna Jackson added that it takes everyone working together to achieve this.  She mentioned the Neighborhood Watch and alert citizens calling in tips and concerns to the police department when something is amiss.

On hand to address the mayor and council was Nathan Willingham of NACOLG who is a Planning Expert for the group.  He addressed the need for an updated Long Range Plan with updates from the existing ordinance.  He provided information on the Zoning Ordinance that the city passed about 20 years ago.

“It has served its purpose and is a good basic foundation,” said Willingham.

He said there are project grants that are available at a 50/50 match that could be applied for. He said applying for and receiving grants could take up to a year.

“This is just an idea to put in front of you to be thinking on in the near future for extended use,” Willingham said.

Mayor Tiffin added that the Red Bay Planning Commission has been meeting for the past few months about some of the same concerns. Willingham said that he was “putting ideas in front of the council and mayor so that they can be thinking on what needs to be accomplished and worked on.”

Police Chief Jackson reported that since her last report there had only been two accidents on the highway 24.  One was inside the city limits and one outside the jurisdiction.  The first had no injuries and the second one had four.

Director of Operations Mike Shewbart reported that the new storm shelter is ready for use. The shelter is located by the soccer fields beside the Fun Park.

The following new items were brought before the council:

A motion was made by council member Fancher to change the soccer checking fund to another bank that does not charge a monthly fee. Council member Kennedy gave the second and all voted in favor except Councilman Bolton who abstained.

Mary Mills’s five-year term on the Weatherford Library Board expires in March 2015 and said she is willing to serve again. Council member Kennedy made the motion to reappoint Mills and council member Fancher gave the second and motion passed.

Council member Bolton made a motion to approve the Franklin County Shriner Club roadblock on May 9, 2015.  Council member Kennedy gave the second and motion passed.

Council member and Education Committee Representative Mike Kennedy gave a brief explanation of the four Education Fund requests this month including a fingerprint sensor for school employees, welding hats, an overhead projector and money to assist the Lady Tigers in their trip to the State Tournament.  Kennedy put the request in the form of a motion and Council member Bolton provided the second and the motion carried.
